Amanda Bailey: Quorum’s Backbone

Quorum's Amanda Bailey Driving a tank

When you start learning about supportability engineering, also known as Integrated Logistics Support (ILS), it is hard to stop yourself from seeing it everywhere. Most engineering projects have had ILS involvement,

Well, behind the engineers who make the world work are ILS consultants, and behind us is Amanda Bailey. Trust us that is good news for everyone.


Over 30 Years of Expertise

Amanda joined Quorum more than seven years ago, in 2016. When joining Quorum, she was stepping into a role that was completely different from anything she had done before. Even though she had never worked in programme support, the career change was and is still a massive success.

“I feel very lucky to be in this role and to be able to accomplish many different things.”

Before Quorum, Amanda worked in retail management, gaining over 22 years of experience and having worked her way up. She also provided support to factories and council housing associations, working in maintenance support where she coordinated suppliers and contractors while dealing with tenants and landlords.

Working at Quorum

ILS is a vast discipline with many different working parts. So, even though our consultants can tackle any area of ILS, we have consultants who specialise in certain areas. Quorum’s consultants each bring a unique set of skills, and they come from diverse backgrounds.

During my discussion with Amanda, she emphasised this point: “ I get to work with a great team, who all have different skills and come from diverse backgrounds.”

Shaun Simes – Director: “Amanda is the backbone of the company. She is quite possibly the most versatile person at Quorum, always juggling multiple projects and reminding others of theirs. She has a deep knowledge of the inner workings of the company, and I have learned so much from her since starting at Quorum. I have never appreciated a colleague more!”

Shaun Simes: Director at Quorum

What Does Amanda Bailey Do at Quorum?

Amanda is like the backbone of Quorum. To give you an idea, here is a list of things that Amanda does on a daily basis:

  • Finance
  • Quality control (Accreditation)
  • Export Control
  • Compliance
  • Administration
  • Reception

Amanda does not work much with our clients but knows all of them. Her primary focus is working with suppliers, constantly ensuring they are up to standard. She is also there to provide support to our consultants.

Standout Moments During Amanda’s Time at Quorum

From a young age, Amanda has loved tanks and other military equipment. So, being able to assist with engineering projects in any capacity is almost like a dream come true.

During her time with us, she has been able to attend events such as DVD, where she has met some of our most influential clients, and during our discussion, she emphasised how much she appreciated being able to put faces to names. Other trips include going on director getaways.

With all that said, one of Amanda’s best highlights is seeing the team work together, especially during a recent transition phase. Everyone at Quorum is on the same page, with the same vision of where Quorum is headed.

Our primary focus is to increase the value we bring to our clients with our services. This will be the foundation for what is to come in the future.

Here are a few events Amanda has attended with Quorum, with a little description from her: 

Silverstone – but sadly not on F1 days (booo)

Edinburgh – Burns night on the yacht Britannia (fantastic weekend – highly recommend anyone to experience that)

Dubai – went to the top of Burj Khalifa – the lift to the top took seconds, it was amazing and the views – incredible).

Simon Bownes – Director: “Amanda fulfils many roles, as Programme Support, she is invaluable to the Operations part of the business as well as providing all manner of support to both staff and Directors, and as the longest serving member of Quorum she also acts as a company historian! All of which she does with a smile and eagerness.”

Simon Bowes: Director at Quorum

After Hours

At times, it seems like Amanda is always at work, never sleeping, but instead providing support to her colleagues or ensuring the office runs like clockwork.

However, Amanda is a mother of three, and when not immersed in work, Amanda enjoys the company of her sassy chihuahua, Bimble, and channels her creativity through photography, capturing inspiring portraits for others

More Quotes From Amanda's Colleagues

Tony Hirst – Consultant: “Amanda is the heartbeat of our team, pumping out positivity and laughter faster than a F1 car! With a great work ethic, she’s the secret sauce that keeps our company running smoothly day in and day out.

Her infectious personality always puts a smile on your face, no matter how gloomy the forecast. Amanda has this incredible ability to find humour, turning stressful situations into side-splitting anecdotes faster than you can say “deadline.”

Amanda’s approachable nature and genuine interest in others make her the go-to person for a quick chat, whether it’s dissecting the latest Rugby match or debating the finer points of F1. She’s the kind of colleague you want in your corner, ready to lend an ear or a joke whenever you need it most.”

Nick Armor – Consultant: “Friendly. Open and Honest and she knows where stuff is!”

Final Thoughts

We are incredibly grateful to have someone as powerful as Amanda in our corner. Whether she is supporting our Technical Drawing Specialist, Nick Armor, helping Connor Buchannan, a Human Factors specialist, or providing support to me, the person writing this, Amanda is always there. She will always bring solutions with her support, which we appreciate.

Don’t miss the next installment…

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